We are in the Season of Eastertide.

All Souls Charlottesville is a church centered on the radical presence of Jesus and the truths that Jesus has revealed to the world. Though we hold much in common with the Anglican tradition, we are an inter-denominational church which holds to the Ecumenical Creeds (Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed ) as our unifying statement of belief. We strive for unity in the midst of diversity recognizing that there are many important and complicated matters that the Creeds do not answer for us—and that the global Church is wrestling to answer as well. We do not shy from difficult conversations, and our leadership intentionally reflects a diversity of viewpoints on theological and cultural matters. We believe that as we declare Jesus as Lord over our lives—and over our theology—that we can find a unity around Jesus’ Table that rejects the antagonisms and polarities that our world (and church world) often assumes.

For more what it means for us to be a creedal, diverse, sacramental, curious, and humble church: www.allsoulscville.com/beliefs

We are a people learning to walk in the way of Jesus.

Here at All Souls Cville, we believe that Jesus came, not to create better churches; Jesus came to help us imagine and then co-create a better world. Our hope is that together, we are becoming the kind of people who receive and give away God’s Hospitality, God’s Restoration, and God’s Shalom.


Our liturgy begins at 10:00 am

830 Monticello Ave.


We are a sacramental church, shaped by weekly Eucharist, the stories of God, and the presence of the Spirit. We believe that God is truly present with us, in the person of Jesus and by the power of the Spirit as we worship, as we pray, as we pass the peace, as we hear the Scriptures, and as we receive Christ’s body and blood.